all my friends live on a serverfarm
and this is what they talk about ...
this is the sound of the crowd
in the stone age of information
do you understand?
mess age mu sic
i'd like to share
my agony
my alienation
my anger
my annoyance
my anxiety
my apathy
my aversion
my boredom
my confusion
my contempt
my depression
my despair
my discomfort
my disappointment
my disgust
my envy
my embarrassment
my emptiness
my failure
my fear
my frustration
my greed
my grief
my grumpiness
my guilt
my helplessness
my humiliation
my irritation
my jealousy
my loath
my loneliness
my madness
my outrage
my resentment
my resignation
my restlessness
my sadness
my shame
my sorrow
my suspicion
my tension
my trouble
my upset
my weakness
my worries
my wrath
with your number
climate changes
shitstorms blow
fake news flood
minds are burning